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A product is usually shipped from our warehouse on the next business day following your order, provided that it's in stock. Once the item is dispatched, you can expect the transit times below. Please be aware that these are estimates and that actual delivery time may vary. Approximate delivery times are below:
Australian LocationBrisbane & QLDSydney & NSWCanberra & ACTMelbourne & VICAdelaide & SAHobart & TASPerth & WADarwin & NTETA1-5 days1-6 days2-5 days2-7 days4-7 days7-8 days4-12 days4-12 days -
Yes! You can purchase a Vuly Gift Card here.
You can lodge a warranty claim here. To lodge a warranty claim you, will need:
1 - Your order number (on your original Sales Order), if you purchased directly from Vuly Play, OR your registration number, if purchased from an Authorised Reseller and registered your product.
2 - Photo evidence of your Vuly product that highlights the reason for your claim.
3 - A batch number of the affected item. Photo examples of where to find batch numbers are included on the warranty form. -
We have found that in some instances, certain couriers may take 24-48 hours to activate their tracking link, as the delivery moves through their depot. Please allow up to 48 hours for the courier to activate your tracking link. If tracking issues persist, please call sales team a call on 1300 667 514.
Zip provides interest free financing options for purchases from Vuly. Zip is a payment platform trusted by millions of Australians. Find out more here.
An Authorised Reseller near you may offer alternative finance options. Visit our storelocator here to find an authorised reseller. -
In the menu above click on SUPPORT & PARTS, then click on INSTALLATION.
Click here to be taken straight to the installation page. -
Unless you have contacted our service team to request "No Authority To Leave", the third-party courier will, by default, leave your delivery in what they deem to be a secure/discreet location. This may be at your front door, behind a gate, or similar.
Unfortunately, third-party couriers are unable to accommodate requests to leave packages in locations specified by the recipient due to insurance and safety parameters.
If you request "No Authority To Leave" for your deliver, the courier will return the items to their nearest depot if you aren't home at the time of delivery. In such an instance, the courier may charge a re-delivery fee or require you to collect your items from their depot. -
Vuly trampolines exceed Australian safety standards.
We surpass certification set out by Standards Australia - AS 4989:2015 Trampolines for domestic use – Safety aspects.
This is outlined as follows: This Standard specifies minimum design requirements for trampolines for domestic use and provides test methods to ensure compliance. The Standard also contains requirements and recommendations for the marking of domestic trampolines and the provision of consumer information.
Vuly goes beyond Australian safety standards by complying with international certification. The models we sell overseas meet the requirements for many safety standards published by ASTM International and the European Committee for Standardization. These include EN 71-1:2011+A3:2014, EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014, EN71-3: 2013, ASTM F381-14, ASTM F2225-13, ASTM F963-11, making Vuly models some of the safest trampolines in the world.
Our products are engineered for safety and designed to last. They are certified by a 500 hour test for resistance to UV rays, completed in a longer-term UV accelerator. -
Vuly typically resolves warranty claims within 48 business hours. However, these times may vary during peak season.
You can lodge a warranty claim here. -
If your order has not been dispatched from our warehouse, and you would like to make changes, please call our Service team on 1300 667 514 as soon as possible.
Vuly cartons for large products all weigh under 25kg, are no longer than 120cm (at the longest face) and are movable with a 2 person lift.
Many boxes (especially for accessories) are significantly smaller than that - easily movable by 1 person and can be as small as a pizza box.
All boxes feature minor branding, product naming and contents lists (see below image for example). While there are only minimal graphics, be aware that they could spoil a birthday or Christmas surprise if left uncovered. If you wish to store them as a present, we recommend covering them with wrapping paper, tarpaulin, table cloth or other large covering. -
If an item that you have purchased is out of stock, a member of our Service team will be in touch to provide you with options for your order.
You may like to wait for the item to be in stock, or you may prefer to upgrade to another model. If the item that you'll be waiting on is not essential, you may choose to have the majority of your order delivered now, with the remaining item delivered separately at a later date. -
Vuly use third party couriers such as Toll, Startrack and Australia Post. Unfortunately, these third party couriers are unable to call before delivery.
You will be provided with a delivery tracking link that allows you to trace your order in real time. The courier's tracking system will inform you of the expected delivery date and – closer to delivery – an expected time frame (such as morning or evening). -
If your order has not been dispatched or prepared for dispatch from our warehouse, you may cancel it anytime by contacting the Service team on 1300 667 514.
You are then entitled to a refund, excluding the following Cancellation Fee:
• $10 "change of mind" fee for orders of accessories or replacement parts;
• $20 "change of mind" fee for orders of a full trampoline, monkey bar, cubby house, swing set, play set or basketball system.
If your order has been dispatched or prepared for dispatch from our warehouse - but not delivered by the courier – you may cancel it by contacting the Service team on 1300 667 514.
You are entitled to a refund, excluding the following Restocking Fee:
• $25 for orders of accessories or replacement parts;
• $75 for orders of a full trampoline, cubby house, swing set, play set or basketball system.
Full terms regarding cancellations can be found here.