Your backyard isn’t complete until you’ve bought a fun and durable trampoline.
Trampolines are the ultimate backyard plaything. It gives kids (and let’s be honest, adults too!) endless hours of bouncing fun. But just like any outdoor gear, trampolines deal with immense wear and tear over time—-especially when you leave them out to sunbathe or catch rainfall in your garden 24/7.
So, how long can you expect your trampoline components to last before it’s time to replace them? Let’s jump into it!
The Average Lifespan of a Trampoline
Count on it that trampolines are built to withstand a lot of bouncing. Ultimately, their lifespan depends on several factors, including quality, usage, proper care, and exposure to the elements. A well-maintained trampoline can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, but individual parts may need replacing sooner.
How Long Do Indoor Trampolines Last?
Indoor trampolines generally last longer than outdoor ones because they’re not exposed to harsh weather conditions. With proper care, an indoor trampoline can last up to 10 years or more, with only minor wear and tear.
How Long Do Outdoor Trampolines Last?
It’s a whole different story for outdoor trampolines. These types of trampolines face a bigger challenge since they’re constantly exposed to sun, rain, wind, and sometimes even snow. Ultimately, there are a lot of elements they need to battle and brave through! Depending on the quality and maintenance, outdoor trampolines typically last between 5 to 8 years, though some high-end models, like Vuly trampolines, can last much longer.
What Are the Different Parts of a Trampoline?
A trampoline is made up of several components. Each part has its own lifespan. Let’s take a closer look:
1. Frame
The frame is the backbone of your trampoline, providing structure and support.
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
Exposure to rain, humidity, and salty air can cause rust and weaken the frame over time. Sun exposure can also lead to gradual metal fatigue.
How Long Do Trampoline Frames Last?
A good-quality, galvanised steel frame can last 10 years or more with proper care, while lower-quality frames may need replacing in 5–7 years.
2. Springs
Springs give your trampoline that satisfying bounce. These vary greatly in quality and type, which affects how long they can last.
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
Rust and corrosion are the biggest threats to trampoline springs, especially in coastal or humid areas.
How Long Do Trampoline Springs Last?
With regular maintenance, springs can last 3–5 years. If they start to lose tension, that’s when you know it’s time for a replacement.
How Long Do Springfree Trampolines Last?
Springfree trampolines use flexible rods, or in Vuly's case - leaf springs, instead of traditional springs. These tend to last 8–10 years, making them a much more durable alternative if you're willing to invest in a quality trampoline.
3. Mats
Oh, the jumping mat! As the most used part of a trampoline, it’s no surprise it doesn't last as long as some other components.
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
UV rays can weaken the fabric over time, leading to tears and reduced elasticity. Rain and moisture can also contribute to mildew and deterioration.
How Long Do Trampoline Mats Last?
On average, trampoline mats last 3–8 years, depending on the quality and how well they are maintained. Keep in mind that a quick clean after every use and leveraging a good quality shade can do wonders!
4. Poles
Poles hold up the enclosure net, keeping jumpers safe and sound as they bounce around.
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
Poles can rust, bend, or weaken over time due to exposure to the elements.
How Long Do Trampoline Poles Last?
With proper maintenance, trampoline poles can last 5–10 years, but their protective padding may need replacing sooner.
5. Nets
How do you prevent falls, injuries, and the fun from being cut short? With a safety net, of course!
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
UV rays make nets brittle, while wind and rain can cause fraying.
How Long Do Trampoline Nets Last?
Your trampoline net will likely stand strong for about 3–5 years, though high-quality nets with UV protection may last longer.
6. Safety Pads
To truly enjoy your trampoline to the fullest, you need the peace of mind of knowing you have ample protection. That’s what safety pads are here for—they cover the springs and frame, reducing the risk of injury.
How the Weather and Elements Affect Them
Sun exposure can cause fading and cracking, while moisture can lead to mould and deterioration.
How Long Do Trampoline Safety Pads Last?
Safety pads typically last 2–5 years, depending on quality and exposure.
Jump Into Lasting Fun with Vuly Trampolines
If you want a trampoline that stands the test of time, jump in the direction of Vuly trampolines! Known for high-quality materials and industry-leading warranties, Vuly trampolines are built to endure years of fun, even when exposed to harsh weather conditions.
Vuly’s Industry-Leading Warranties
Trampoline Model | Price Range | Frame Tubes & Joiners | Springs & Jump Mat | Safety Net, Net Poles & Padding | Extended Warranty |
Flare Trampoline | $349 - $449 | 3 Years | 3 Years | 1 Year | 3 Years for $249 |
Ultra 2 Trampoline | $449 - $749 | 5 Years | 5 Years (excluding print) | 1 Year | 3 Years for $249 |
Ultra 2 Pro Trampoline | $799 - $999 | 10 Years | 5 Years (excluding print) | 1 Year | 3 Years for $249 |
Thunder 2 Trampoline | $899 - $1499 | 10 Years | 5 Years (excluding print) | 1 Year | 3 Years for $249 |
Thunder 2 Pro Trampoline | $1,499 - $2,499 | 10 Years | 5 Years (excluding print) | 1 Year | 3 Years for $249 |
Trampoline Warranty Information
At Vuly, we push our trampolines to the limit—every frame and spring is rigorously tested for unbeatable durability and longevity. All our outdoor play equipment is built to keep your kids (and you!) moving and laughing for years. So why settle for less? Invest in quality, and let the bouncing adventures last longer than ever!
Take a look at our other blogs for more helpful tips on trampolines: